Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Arriving in Vienna

Today we arrived in Vienna. We took it easy in the morning. After lunch we went out to see the city. First we went to fountain that had men that were " NUDE."

After we went to Heldenplatz. Platz means square or plaza. Hitler spoke his terrible speech here.

This is a greek temple that is in Vienna for no reason. It was in a rose garden.

This is me on a spinny thingie. The spinny toys in Vienna if you start pushing while you are sitting down or squnching, you can not stand up cause they have no control. There are no safety regulations.

After I went on the spinny thing we went into an underground mall with an opera bathroom. Opera bathrooms are public toilets with an opera theme. The music played was the blue danube waltz. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CTYymbbEL4

On our walk back we saw TML. It is a place made out of steel that are speakers hidden in the steel. People hire sound artists to put a different sound in each speaker. As you walk through it you hear different sounds.

This is Mr. B. B stands for bugger. He tells you where to put colored glass and white glass. He speaks german and he always has a huge smile but he has no nose even though he comes from one.

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