Thursday, June 2, 2011

scavenger hunt

This is a picture of my mom in front of Oscar Wilde's grave. He was a famous writer. 
 This is another grave in the graveyard. The graveyard is tres grande. It is like a small town.
 This is me in front of Oscar Wilde's grave too.It is covered in people's signatures. 
 This is Louis the 14th in a roman soldiers outfit. He thought Rome was a great empire, so he wanted to be like them.

 This is the Place Voges. It was not part of the scavenger hunt but we went there anyway.
This is the Paris Opera House. This was our last stop before we went home.
We are at Luxembourg Park. We are sailing boats. You can rent them right by the pond. They give you a stick so whenever the boat comes by the side of the fountain you can push it back out. It costs per 3Euros per half hour.
We are at the playground in Luxembourg Park. I made some new friends. They are right next to us in the FIAP. Their names are Kate and Jane Shelby.

As we were leaving to go to the FIAP we saw dad painting. He said that he could paint tomorrow it just has to be the same sunlight and the same time of day.                                                                    


  1. What is your address in Paris? I wanted to know because I wanted to send you a little something.
    Still jealous!!!
    Love, Madison

  2. What a great adventure! I enjoyed seeing your post. It makes me miss Paris.
